Learn Practical Hacks or Tips to Improve your Risk & Opportunity Assessments


Are you concerned that your organisation’s current methods of assessing Risks and Opportunities are not reliable, consistent and adequate processes to provide better informed decision-making?

This webinar reveals and explains practical “hacks” or tips for improving R&O assessment approaches and “how to” tools which you can integrate with, or replace some of your existing R&O Management processes. You will learn practical tools which address a range of issues – including

  • how to avoid pitfalls when facilitating or participating in an R&O Assessment
  • using the Delphi Technique in team assessments
  • factors affecting under – / over – estimating likelihood / probability
  • who needs to be members of a risk assessment team
  • how to better understand and distinguish between incidents, risks, opportunities
  • eliminate arguments about severity / magnitude of consequences
  • demystifying ROBT Risk & Opportunity Based Thinking
  • clarifying the relationships between risk/uncertainty and opportunity/certainty
  • models for understanding Uncertainty and Complexity
  • the types & values of verbal and graphical R&O descriptions, statements and questions
  • analysis of effectiveness of existing risk controls / opportunity enablers BEFORE estimation of current residual Likelihood.
  • the use of sequential levels of risk estimation – qualitative / semi-quantitative / quantitative
  • the nature & benefits of essential communications before / during / after an R&O Assessment

PRESENTER – Jim Whiting

J.F. (Jim) Whiting
MSc (Biophysics) Dip Ed, [Qld]; MSc (Biomedical Engineering), [Surrey UK]; CPEng, MACPSEM, NER
Partner & Risk Engineer, Soteris Pty Ltd
Senior Lecturer Medical Physics & Bioengineering QUT
National CEO National Safety Council of Australia
National Chair, Risk Engineering Society
Extensively experienced in consultancy & training in risk analysis, causal analysis, ergonomics and management systems
